Poor kid's gonna have to rock the eye patch so we figured she should play the part the best she could. We googled how to be a pirate girl and this is the first thing we found!
1. Invest in a pirate ship. This can be any kind of boat or ship. You must fly the jolly roger. Cannons are optional, but highly recommended.
2. Recruit a pirate crew. Salty sea dogs are preferred, but landlubbers will do as well.
3. Strike fear into your pirate crew by killing one of your recruits early in your pirating career. Fear=respect.
4. Get a talking parrot.
1. Have a pirate personality and have pirate hobbies to complement your pirate looks. Be funny and witty as much as possible. Act tough and like you're popular. Pirates are always somewhat arrogant. You can play cards and dice, but don't use real money, use "pieces of eight" (pirate currency). Practice lock picking (it is illegal to carry a lock pick kit in most states.). 2. Slur your words together. Saying, "The boys and I were out for a lovely day on the water today" sounds like something you'd overhear at a yacht club, not out on the bounding main! Instead, try, "Me 'n' these here scurvy scallywags drug our sorry keesters out t'th'ship'n'had us a grand great adventuaaarrr! We almost had t'keelhaul Mad Connie f'r gettin inter th' grog behind our backs!" Use contractions whenever possible. Be sure to punctuate often with "Arrrr!"
3. Mutter unintelligibly unless yelling. Being a pirate usually meant being liquored up to some degree - a lot of time, pirates were pretty mush-mouthed.
Haha. I think she's got this...